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Some days, it's hard to feel like doing much of anything, nevermind being at work. Some days, a person has to swim in the coffee just to get through the day.

With all of the pressures in our world at home and in the office, often we are feeling too stressed to be able to be happy, or deal with any of it. Wouldn't it be great if everyone could feel more at ease with everything and be able to enjoy their work and the people at the office even when times are tough?

Our Team Building Workshops are packed with laughter and fun, and are designed especially for your group to achieve the specific goals that you set out for the workshop.
Utilizing a variety of improvisational theatre games combined with group discussion and inspirational lectures, we will help your group develop the skills needed for effective expression, communication, improved self-esteem, and build a stronger trust between individuals in the process. We also aim to inspire people to make a difference in their own lives as well as their community for the global good.

Our team building workshops have a strong emphasis on the following:

  • Having Fun
  • Respect for every member of your group
  • Freedom of expression
  • Improved self awareness
  • Encouragement to make a difference, one person at a time
  • Group discussions in a safe environment for self-expression

  • Rates are very reasonable and workshop sizes have varied from 10 - 20 participants up to 80 and more in number. Our ultimate goal is to inspire all people towards better living through increased understanding, compassion, and respect for self and others.

    We pride ourselves in offering options for people who have different needs.
    If you have a larger group, consider choosing between a team building workshop with extra facilitators, or an inspirational speaker who will inspire all listeners to better utilize all their available and known resources, and even find some that they haven't yet discovered!

    Where do you reside? We'd love to come to you!

    *Additional charges may apply for airfare and overnight accomodations where applicable.

    About Dawn Suchoboki's World Vision

    Most of the things which man once thought were
    impossible have become possible.
    Think about such discoveries as flight, cures for diseases, all of the accomplishments in all fields of learning.

    So, why not world peace and unity?

    Global understanding?

    It IS possible, and we CAN achieve it...
    one person at a time. By strengthening the love and respect we have for ourselves, we can be in a position to want to help others to reach that same level. By effecting change within ourselves and our immediate environment, it will eventually have an impact on the greater community.
    We need to fight the cliches of "Well, that's the way it's always been, so it won't change" or, "World peace is impossible", or, "What could I possibly do to change that? I'm only one person".

    We shouldn't believe in "can't". Anything is possible if we only believe and put our belief into action. It's time to stop complaining about what society has created and start taking responsibility for being part of that very society. We need to strengthen our individual resolve in order to have the courage to speak out and be heard. Of equal importance is to improve our ability to effectively communicate that vision in a way that will make others want to listen, and inspire them to want a better life for themselves and everyone they know... and even for those they don't know.

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    In Regina: 596-4FUN (596-4386)

    Free Call in North America!
    1-866-FUN-TAZM! (1-866-386-8296)
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